Wednesday 30 November 2011

My Lasik Experience

All thanks to the wonders of LASER technology!!!

"With eyes that look'd into the very soul--bright--and as black and burning as coal." ~ Lord Byron

I heard about this surgery for the first time from the people who had come to recruit my batch from a company named OSMS(Ocean Ship Maritime Services). I had to write a test, which I cleared and then I had a one on one interview with the HR and somehow I impressed him and then he told me about the lasik technique of correcting our vision, because we are not supposed to wear spectacles on board.

Hearing this I dropped the idea of joining the company. :( :( After I guess nearly a year I just remembered  
it and just read articles and saw videos about lasik. Well the videos were scary!!! I was facing a lot of problems with ma spectacles like it used to bend, cut and moreover I had to carry it  with me where ever I go. My power was -1.5 (shortsightedness) when I was in 1st semester of my engineering and then it slowly increased to -2 and then -2.5 because of my gaming madness. And every time the power increased I had to change my glasses and and and there's nothing more annoying than having to keep pushing up your glasses when you're hiking uphill on a hot day.  

For the last four months I've been thinking about corrective eye surgery. Yes, because this is not simple, its about my eyes. If something goes wrong I might loose my sight. This month I finally decided to take the plunge and asked my sister who is a doctor about it. 

She scheduled an appointment at Sankara Eye Hospital in Bangalore and I went to see what they had to say. Lot of tests were performed on my eyes like the corneal thickness etc....

I got a lot of information about the surgery and the doctor showed me some videos too as a part of demo.Then he highlighted me about the Do's and Dont's after lasik. By that my reports came and the doc had a look at it and he concluded saying everything is fine and you are fit and fine for lasik. I took the next day appointment for surgery.

Next day I went through a series of tests on my vision to find the perfect correction.My surgery was a Intralase Bladeless Lasik surgery which involved making a flap with a laser instead of the standard blade. This allows for less of the cornea to be involved as well as leaving the possibility for touch ups in the future should they be required. The bladeless flap method heals quicker and is less painful.

Before operation my vision was completely blurry without my glasses. If I look in the distance I can see blurry shapes and colors but have no idea what I'm looking at. Could be a tree, could be a person. With my glasses on, it was normal.

Just few minutes before surgery I was very  nervous and of course had second thoughts also.I had no questions about what is going to happen. I was given dress to wear before operation, it was kind of weird and then then the hat and some covering for my foot. They kept on putting some drops into my eyes every half an hour before surgery and then I was taken to the theater. 
My God, it was cold and they made me lay down and then what happened you can watch it through this link from you tube.
It all happened in around 15 minutes and then the burning started..........uhhhhh.....that was bad.... real bad...but it lasted only for few hours after that everything was fine and I went home. I was given some drops which I had to put for 2 weeks. 

Now when I wear my glass I cant see a thing I feel like I am wearing telescope on my eyes.
Its all over ......My eyes are normal. yipppieee !!!
The bill was 30 k !!!!!
This procedure happens in five basic steps:

* Anaesthetic eye drops

* Protect flap created with laser

* Inner cornea lasered to prescription

* Flap replaced and smoothed out

* Go home and sleep